Innovation Issue: Indy’s new ideas, new technology and more

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What’s one thing you think will be done very differently in 100 years?


If you had the skills to invent anything in the world, what would it be?

Robot“A robot that could do my homework for me and knew everything before old people [do].”

Lazarus Tipton, age 8

helmet“A helmet that you put on your head and it knows everything in a snap.”

Lyndal Tipton, age 8
Sons of Angela Covell-Tipton,
Indianapolis Public Schools literacy coach


What problem do you hope technology solves soon?

questions“I really hope the future solves, in the next five to 10 years, perfect exact voice recognition. It would help me immensely because then I would not have to type into my Word documents for any letters or memos or policies I’m writing.”

James Meer, Appirio worldwide controller

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