
Lilly makes $300M deal for Philadelphia drug company

Eli Lilly said it will acquire Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, maker of an experimental agent that could help identify patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The price could climb to $800 million if the agent is commercially successful.

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Seeking growth, Lilly dumps Singapore for China

After recently deciding to close a research center in Singapore, Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. has decided to open a diabetes research center in China in the second half of 2011, further ramping up the drugmaker’s presence in the world’s fastest-growing pharmaceutical market.

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Eli Lilly will have to beat odds to meet drug-rollout goals

Eli Lilly and Co. executives have said repeatedly that the company’s bulging pipeline will produce two new drugs per year, beginning in 2013. But only three times in the past six decades has Lilly been able to launch two or more new drugs in back-to-back years.

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Analysts: Lilly setbacks might spur shopping spree

CEO John Lechleiter claims Eli Lilly and Co. isn’t interested in big acquisitions to bolster its flagging drug pipeline, but its recently devalued partner Amylin Pharmaceuticals might be the right fit, industry analysts say.

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Analysts grill Lilly execs on strategy after setbacks

Wall Street analysts on Thursday demanded to know what new things Eli Lilly and Co. is planning since the company’s vaunted pipeline has failed to produce a drug that will boost revenue after a wave of patent expirations. The answer: Not much.

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Some Lilly-paid docs sport spotty records

Eli Lilly and Co. paid more than $102 million last year and early this year to physicians for talking up Lilly drugs to other doctors. Yet 88 of the doctors Lilly pays have been sanctioned by state medical boards.

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