
Democrats eye insurance industry’s antitrust protection

Top Senate Democrats intend to try to strip the health insurance industry of its exemption from federal antitrust laws, according
to congressional officials, the latest evidence of a deepening struggle over President Barack Obama’s effort to overhaul the
health care industry.

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Lockheed Martin planning Indianapolis layoffs

Maryland-based Lockheed Martin will idle 10 percent of the employees at its Indianapolis call center as a result of declining call volumes and “funding issues” that are cutting short a five-year federal contract worth a total of $80 million.

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Biomass boilers could save Indiana prisons $36M

New biomass boilers at four Indiana prisons are projected to save the state $36 million over 10 years. The Indiana Department
of Correction says it dedicated the first of the new boilers last week at the Pendleton Correctional Facility northeast of

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Critics: Failed Indiana-IBM deal should warn others

Indiana said it was going to get outsourcing right when it turned welfare eligibility services over to a private contractor
in 2007. Now critics say the failed move is the latest warning that states should not allow for-profit companies to run social

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Daniels expands youth conservation program

Gov. Mitch Daniels says a program that hires young adults to improve Indiana parks and trails has been so successful that
he’s extending it for another year. The Young Hoosiers Conservation Corps has given jobs to nearly 1,900 residents ages 16
to 24 since it was created this year using federal stimulus money.

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Consultant: Indianapolis water utility lax in overseeing Veolia

The city too often relied on the Department of Waterworks’ board, on consultants and on the private
operator, Veolia Water, rather than on the department’s own staff “to ensure safe and efficient
operation, maintenance and management” of Indianapolis Water. That’s one of several critical
findings of a consultant hired by the department and filed as part of a 35-percent rate-hike request
pending before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.

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Baucus health reform bill draws fire in Indiana, too

The health insurance industry’s sudden counterpunch to the Senate version of health reform echoed in Indiana and
opened a key issue for the rest of the debate: Will covering half of the country’s uninsured mean raising premiums for
the 85 percent of Americans who already have insurance?

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Tougher smoking ban passes committee

An ordinance that would prohibit lighting up in bars, bowling alleys and nightclubs, and nearby outdoor seating areas as well, was endorsed 4-2 by a City-County Council committee Wednesday night.

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