
NCAA, city haggle over Final Four rental deal

A little more than six months before the 2010 NCAA men’s Final Four is set to tip off at Lucas Oil Stadium, the NCAA
has not yet finalized a rental deal for the facility. While officials for the NCAA and Local Organizing Committee,
the group charged with operating the event in Indianapolis, downplay any problems, sports business experts say it is unusual
not to have an agreement pinned down in the months leading up to the event.

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Indiana turns away booze-distribution heavyweight

The Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission has voted to deny liquor and wine permits for Southern Wine & Spirits of
America Inc., the nation’s largest liquor distributor, citing concerns over a track record of anti-competitive behavior.

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New jobless claims drop unexpectedly

The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level since early July, possible
evidence that job cuts are slowing.

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Tough job market sinks employment agencies

Indiana’s lofty unemployment rate not only is taking a toll on the jobless but also the recruiters that help them find
work, leading to the demise of several local employment agencies.

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Next year’s State Fair to feature Japanese exhibit

Japanese culture will be on display at the Indiana State Fair next year. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced today, while
traveling on a economic development mission in Japan, that the Asian country will be featured in its own exhibit at the fair
for the first time in 2010.

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Governor defends Asia trip as necessary

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels says his 12-day privately-funded trip to China and Japan is necessary to help attract business
to the state and is dismissing criticism of it from a top state legislator.

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