
Worker productivity soars, labor costs plummet

Worker productivity, the single biggest factor determining living standards, grew at the fastest pace in nearly six years
in the spring while labor costs fell by the most in nine years, as companies slashed costs to survive the recession.

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Arts funding maintained in city budget proposal

The Indianapolis arts community is breathing a collective sigh of relief after learning that the city is not expected to reduce
its funding in 2010. The City-County Council will hear public comments tonight on Mayor Greg Ballard’s 2010 budget before
voting on it Sept. 21.

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HHGregg, other retailers await stimulus jolt

Appliance retailers are poised to take a page from the car dealership playbook in promoting a new government program offering
rebates on energy-efficient washers, refrigerators and air conditioners.

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ICVA: Stadium’s retractable roof worth the cost

Three music events with direct visitor spending estimated at $28 million that were hosted at Lucas Oil Stadium offer proof,
city officials said, that the expense of the retractable roof and other features of the $720 million facility are paying off.

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WellPoint spent $1.2M lobbying in second quarter

WellPoint Inc., the nation’s largest health insurer based on membership, spent $1.2 million in the second quarter to lobby
the federal government on a variety of health care reform-related issues and other topics, according to a recent disclosure

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