
Indianapolis shows up peer cities in attracting the young and educated

Cities must woo people while they’re young—in their 20s or early 30s—because after that age, people tend
to hunker down. The Indianapolis area apparently appeals to at least two key groups of young people—particularly those
already married, according to a new study by researchers at IUPUI.

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CIB OKs budget, but awaits council vote

Members of the Indianapolis Capital Improvement Board this afternoon passed a $63 million budget for 2010 that hinges on the
City-County Council’s approval of a hike in the local hotel tax.

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State gambling revenue expected to stay flat

Indiana’s share of tax money generated by the state’s 13 casinos is expected to remain relatively flat for at
least the next few years, a state fiscal analyst told Gaming Study Committee members this morning.

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Chrysler sticks it to Kokomo

Officials in Kokomo and Howard County are in a tough spot. The “new” Chrysler created after its bankruptcy
sale to Fiat contends it‘s no longer on the hook for $12.9 million it owes various local taxing bodies this year and
$12.3 million it will owe next year.

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ICVA might take out loan to market city for conventions

The Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association is so desperate for more marketing funding, the organization charged
with promoting the city as a convention and tourism destination is considering taking out a loan. While that
would be the last resort, ICVA CEO Don Welsh said it is one he will have to consider if the money can’t be raised through
local taxes.

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Site visit lifts county’s hopes for landing Harley

Harley-Davidson Inc. officials were in Shelby County yesterday assessing it as a location for a new motorcycle plant, but
it isn’t yet clear how the county stacks up to other U.S. locales that also are in the running for the economic-development

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Indiana is lucky to have toll lease

The facts are that toll increases are strictly limited
in the contract and cars using electronic tolling have had no increase and are still paying the $4.65 toll rate set in
1985, one of the lowest per-mile tolls in the nation.

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Tenants trickling in to Purdue’s technology center

For a city feverishly growing its technology and life sciences sectors, it seemed a bit anticlimactic last January when
Purdue University dedicated its new technology center with only one tenant. But the lone tenant in the $12.8
million complex, FlamencoNets, a high-tech telecommunications firm, is about to get some company.

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City-County Council OKs hotel tax hike

The City-County Council voted 15-14 last night to approve raising the local hotel tax from 9 percent to 10 percent in a move
intended to help the cash-strapped Indianapolis Capital Improvement Board close a $47 million operating deficit.

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CIB regrouping, still aiming to close budget hole

The beleaguered Indianapolis Capital Improvement Board has whittled its anticipated 2010 deficit of $47 million to only $5 million. But how it slashed $7 million since the end of the Legislative special session and how it proposes to close the final gap are a mystery.

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