
LOU’S VIEWS: Palladium premieres

I’m not ready to use the word “perfect” but, in my lifetime, I honestly don’t expect to hear chamber music in a better-sounding venue than I did Jan. 30.

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Tobacco subsidies support smoking

I am usually amused and even sometimes intellectually stimulated by Bruce Hetrick’s opinion pieces. However, his piece (Jan. 24) drawing parallels between the tragic shootings in Tucson and tobacco related deaths is over the top.

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MAURER: Workforce Inc. recycles people

Now that football season is over, I suggest we turn our attention to a real hero: Gregg Keesling, CEO of Workforce Inc., an organization that populates practically its entire work force with ex-offenders.

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EDITORIAL: Let districts decide when to start classes

It isn’t difficult to understand why state Sen. Mike Delph wants to force school districts to start their academic years after Labor Day; what’s perplexing is why Delph would want to slap a restriction on districts at a time they need more freedom to manage their own affairs.

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