
EDITORIAL: IndyTalks gives the public a civil way to speak up

There’s no shortage of opinions about what our city and state need to do to prosper in the 21st century. But much
of what comes across is screamed in blogs or in stinging press releases issued by political parties whose only purpose is
to paint the opposition as out of touch.

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SKARBECK: What we need is a tax on stock transactions

The word “tax” tends to immediately raise the blood pressure of most Americans. And while the purpose of most
taxes is to raise revenue for the assessing government body, taxes can also be targeted toward changing individual and corporate

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HICKS: Reducing deficit imperative for national prosperity

The end of this decade is as good a time as any to reflect upon what has passed. We’ve had wars, two recessions,
three presidents, five Congresses and 10 Bowl Championship Series teams. Our population has risen, employment has risen, and
personal income has risen. The average American family is healthier, wealthier and, ideally, wiser. However, to listen to political rhetoric today, you’d think we’ve been living in the darkest
of ages.

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Editorial on Durham was worth posting

Thanks for your [editorial] in [the Dec. 7] IBJ. I really appreciated the comparison [between businessmen Tim Durham and Jim Dodson] and plan to reference this
article (now hanging in my office) as a reality check.

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KATTERJOHN: My Top 11 personalities of 2009

I saw where Barbara Walters did her 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009 shtick on television recently. So with a nod
to the venerable newswoman, here’s my list of locals who got my attention
this year.

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Losing tennis event is a sad moment

As a local business owner and someone who grew up just off of Dean Road, where the first U.S. Open Clay Courts were played,
I am very saddened that the Indy Tennis Championships is leaving our city.

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PAYNE: How we can improve our ‘talent dividend’

We Hoosiers are starting to treat education with a sense of urgency and as something
worth achieving. This response to our city’s, state’s and country’s education crisis is reassuring, because the
stakes couldn’t be higher.

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