
KATTERJOHN: Indiana Achievement Awards live on

en years ago, Dodson Group CEO Jim Dodson came to IBJ with an idea to launch a program that would recognize
best practices in the not-for-profit community and reward organizations that practiced them. And not just with
a pat on the back—with hard cash.

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Literacy is a lifelong gift

It was with great interest that I read Morton Marcus’ [Nov. 30] column encouraging us to spend responsibly this holiday
season, and to “give a check to your local adult literacy program.” It was with added delight when I read Theresa
Rhodes’ column on the same page suggesting that readers consider volunteering by “helping an adult learn to read.

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MARCUS: Grandson learns facts of Hoosier life

My grandson, Nathaniel, recently had his first birthday. Soon thereafter, I took him to a doughnut shop to teach
him the facts of life. If he is to become an adult Hoosier, there are things he must learn.

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SKARBECK: Even more investigations increase market cynicism

As if Wall Street needs another black eye, an expanding probe into insider trading threatens to elevate public cynicism
over whether there’s a level playing field in public markets and raise skepticism about the ability of regulators to
police them.

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Meeting Palin was honor

My family and I don’t follow sports. We don’t know current actors or
television shows. What excites us is conservative politics.

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RHODES: Volunteering offers huge payback

On any given day in Indianapolis, hundreds of people will volunteer their time tutoring children, stocking food pantry
shelves, raising funds and providing leadership for not-for-profit organizations that are making a difference in our community.

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MARCUS: ‘Tis the season to spend responsibly

Initially, I was going to write this week about the innumerable foolish purchases we could make this holiday season. As
I looked through the Sunday newspaper, I felt overwhelmed by the advertisements that offered such deliciously dumb items as
a singing toothbrush holder.

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EDITORIAL: Airport vendors deserve a break

Concessionaires at Indianapolis International Airport are asking the Airport Authority for relief from a policy that requires them to price their goods at a level
consistent with what consumers pay at non-airport retailers. We agree the airport shops need a break.

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Courtrooms indeed inspire awe

I enjoyed [Mickey Maurer’s Nov. 17] column. As an undergraduate student at IUPUI, working full-time and going to
school full-time, I visited the moot court room at the old law school building on New York Street from time to time for inspiration
and to remind myself of the goal.

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It’s time to step up

Tough times are real
and challenging to navigate. But, if we are honest, we have to admit that those of us fortunate to have jobs have an advantage
in tough times.

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FELDMANN: Put customer interest before revenue

Understanding the customer and his or her motivation is priceless, but it’s
old-school and just half of the solution. The other half, making it easy
for the customer to engage, is what sets growing organizations apart from stagnant ones.

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