
Sallie Mae jobs are in jeopardy

There are 2,300 hard-working and well-paid professionals here in Indiana whose
jobs are hanging in the balance while Congress debates a bill (H.R. 3221) that would eliminate the private student loan industry
as we know it.

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Have you hired a veteran today?

With Veterans Day upon us, we are reminded to thank a veteran for his or her service and to honor the memories of those
who fought for our country and did not come home. But in the business community, we can do more than that, all year long,
by bringing veterans into our organizations.

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Health care reform should slow down

I am writing because I have closely
followed the debate on health care reform and am questioning some of the decisions being made by our legislators in Congress.

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GROSSMAN: Just what are ‘green jobs,’ anyway?

Indiana officials appear to be working hard to get our share of the 5 million “green jobs” President
Obama says he’ll create. Sounds like a good idea, except for one problem: No one can really say just what
a green job is.

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MARCUS: The economic exorcism was successful

The damage done by the recession is still with us, even if the recession itself has ended. But sufficient evidence is available to suggest that the demon recession has left the nation’s economic body.

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EDITORIAL: Take the lead on smoking ban, Mayor Ballard

Maddening? Disappointing? Choose your adjective. The failure of the latest proposal to prohibit smoking in almost all Indianapolis
workplaces was clearly a setback for public health and a city that markets itself as a medical and life sciences hub.

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HICKS: Recession results in ‘great deleveraging’

On virtually every meaningful measure, this recession stacks up as only the third or fourth worst post-World War II recession, but its effects are much more profound in a few areas. One area that will be most apparent is the changes the economy has wrought on consumer credit.

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Medical care vs. sports facilities

Many of Wishard Memorial Hospital’s buildings date back to 1914 and many of the areas in the hospital are quite outdated. As I walk around the facility
every week, it is apparent that the hospital is not only outdated but it is beyond remodeling.

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Vote no on Wishard

“Get out and Vote (no) for Wishard” should have been [Chris Katterjohn’s Oct. 26 column] for two simple

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