
LOU’S VIEWS: 7&7 + B&B = remarkable footwork

It might make some top 10 movie musicals lists, but it’s unlikely that “Seven Brides for
Seven Brothers” is on anyone’s list of favorite stage musicals. Which is why Beef
& Boards
Dinner Theatre’s current production of the show (running through Oct. 4) is so remarkable.

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DINING: Canal eatery recreated

It’s called Creation Cafe (337 W. 11th St., 955-2389), but a better name for the restaurant at the top of the downtown
canal might be Re-creation Café.

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MAURER: Can you puzzle out My Word?

I recently welcomed a special guest to “Mickey’s Corner”—Will Shortz, the crossword editor of The
New York Times
and the riddle maven we love to listen to every Sunday morning on
National Public Radio. In order to engage this creative genius, I conceived a challenge that I present to
you now: a two-part game called My Word.

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Investing columnist needs new topics

It is rather obvious [investment columnist] Keenan Hauke has run out of things to write about. Give the readers a break,
this guy’s views are downright irresponsible.

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Reduce government role in health care

Bruce Hetrick’s patronizing and dismissive reference [in his Aug. 24 column] to the idea of death panels (“There is,
of course, no such clause or intent in any health-reform legislation”) is insulting to any reader who has followed the
debate over health care reform.

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Wrestler also excelled at football

[Mickey Maurer’s Aug. 24 column] on Cleo Moore caught my attention. I have read his name in the papers many times
and thought it sounded familiar. As I read through your article on Moore, it dawned on me why I recognized his name.

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ISO conductor should live here

I know that I will not be supporting the [Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra] in any way until they have a conductor that lives here and is paid a reasonable salary.

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ZEIGLER: Downtown deserves better design

Downtown Indianapolis has a housing problem. I am not referring to the abandoned and foreclosed homes that blight many of
our neighborhoods. This is a problem of new, prominent construction projects that are out of place in our built environment.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Quality time on the Fringe

By definition, the non-juried IndyFringe festival has a crapshoot quality. My advice to new Fringe-goers is usually to
go to at least three shows and be fully prepared to hate at least one of them.

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