
MAURER: Live like humans and die like dogs

We lost a member of the family last month. Casey Elizabeth Maurer died a peaceful death at her age of 105. At the end,
her hearing and eyesight were vastly impaired and she was in constant pain. Her time had come.

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Neighbor input needed in revitalization efforts

Local Initiatives Support Corp. wanted to take a moment to second the ideas expressed last week
in AIA Indianapolis President Sanford Garner’s Viewpoint column. Garner expressed concern that current residents
benefit from revitalization and pointed out the importance of community dialogue as part of the process.

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Whose career counts?

Based on the earnings Mrs. Bayh is receiving from WellPoint and Emmis alone, it would appear that it is Senator Bayh who
should put his skills to work in ways that would free his wife of potential conflict.

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Susan Bayh has major conflicts

Your editorial last week on Susan Bayh’s memberships on health care company boards was remarkably restrained. There
are SCREAMING conflicts. 

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KOVACS: Time is now for health care reform

One of the biggest challenges facing our nation is health care reform. Despite development of the most innovative and significant
advances in medical treatment, our ability as health care professionals to provide high-quality, cost-effective and continual
patient care too often falls by the wayside as a result of misalignments in our health care system.

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MARCUS: A feast of perceptions about health care

Lots of people are
without health insurance, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they go without health care. Others have insurance that
doesn’t cover their needs. Either they don’t get the care or they go broke in the process.

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SKARBECK: Tax-haven crackdown starts getting serious

If you never got around to opening that Swiss bank account, you might want to wait a bit longer—at least until after
Sept. 23. That is the date the IRS has set for any tax-evading American to come forward regarding 52,000 accounts held at
Swiss banking giant UBS under a Voluntary Disclosure program.

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EDITORIAL: Susan Bayh’s tangled web puts cloud over senator husband

Corporate boards need more women, but not people such as Susan Bayh, wife of Sen. Evan Bayh. It’s not
that she isn’t up to the task. The former attorney at Eli Lilly and Co. and visiting professor at Butler University
is by all accounts capable. So we’re not surprised she regularly receives invitations to serve on boards. But
we are surprised she accepts.

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Energy act will hurt Indiana’s economy

A deeply concerning piece of legislation has just recently slipped through the [U.S.] House of Representatives. Although the American Clean Energy and Security Act has an appealing name and is created to improve our environment, in actuality, its passing through the Senate will cause dire problems for Hoosiers.

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Officials should redevelop prison property

After outcry from the community, the plan to turn the current Women’s Prison on the near east side into a work release
facility for male prisoners was modified to make it barely palatable. However, there’s a larger point that shouldn’t
be overlooked.

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GARNER: Urban redevelopment requires dialogue

Later this summer, architects, urban planners, economists and hydrologists from around the city and around the nation will
come to Indianapolis to begin planning for the redevelopment of the area near 22nd Street and the Monon Trail. Known
as the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team, it will work with neighborhood organizations
and city leaders to develop a renewal plan to turn this blighted area into a thriving neighborhood.

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