
Brebeuf makes green strides

In 2007, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory
School was named the first Green Flag School in Indiana as part of a national environmental awards program
that creates safer and healthier school environments through investigation, education, innovation and action.

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Stopping nukes should be priority

Uniting the Arab world toward accepting
Israel is very important, but stopping Iran from developing nuclear capability must be top priority for all our world.

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Area cities have curb appeal

I agree with [Morton Marcus’ June 15 column] on urban entryways. I just wanted to point out that two of our small towns in Indianapolis have done a good job of making entryways into their community attractive.

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IPS was winner in state budget

IBJ is completely off base to suggest that the new state budget was “balanced on the backs of poor children.”
As has been true of every state budget for the last two decades, students in Indianapolis Public Schools and other urban districts
are actually the biggest winners in this budget.

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FedEx must maintain flexibility

Like many businesses and local commerce, the FedEx Express hub at Indianapolis International Airport is trying to thrive during a decline in shipping and an increase in fuel prices.

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LIPPERT: GM woes strike close to home

As someone who grew up in Michigan during the 1960s and 1970s, watching General Motors Corp. self-destruct was like seeing a loved one make bad decisions then watching him suffer the consequences.

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MARCUS: Men, women use time differently

On an average day, nearly 83 percent of women, but only 64 percent of men, spend time engaged in household activities, according to a recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Plus, when women engage in household activities, they average two hours and 35 minutes per day while men average two hours and one minute.

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INVESTING: Looming debt problems present an opportunity

Whenever this bear market bottoms—and there is a growing possibility that we will see new lows in coming months—millions of investors will be throwing all kinds of assets away for pennies on the dollar. The discounts so far could pale in comparison. So, be patient, be prudent and be ready.

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BENNER: Mom and Lance Armstrong had cancer in common

A few years ago, when cyclist extraordinaire Lance Armstrong was in the midst of his phenomenal seven
straight Tour de France titles, those yellow Livestrong bands seemed ubiquitous. But when Armstrong left
competitive cycling, gradually those rubber yellow bands faded from view. I kept wearing mine, however, to remind me of the
courage of my mother, Emma.

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ALTOM: Technology moves too fast for law to keep up

Technologists don’t usually give the law a basketful of respect. From our point of view, the law is struggling frantically to stay within a hundred yards of our bleeding edge. By the time the law gets around to speaking on a technical subject, the subject may not even exist anymore.

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PEASE: Archaic physical therapy laws drive up health costs

If you want to see a physical therapist in Indiana, you must first see a physician for a consultation
and referral. It’s the law. Indiana is one of only six states where patients are denied direct
access to physical therapy treatment, and one of only two states where evaluation without referral is

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BATTEN: FTC could resolve antitrust concerns on health care reform

President Obama recently announced a cooperative initiative where health care industry leaders plan to
work together to reform the ailing health care system. Shortly after that announcement, the national
media machine spawned considerable concern among several health care groups that the cooperative effort might violate
federal antitrust laws for collusion and price fixing among competitors.

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EDITORIAL: School funding has fatal flaws

A state budget was passed June 30, but it’s balanced on the backs of poor children. Legislators
deserve praise for at least slightly increasing overall education funding, but because of a flawed funding
formula, urban districts such as Indianapolis Public Schools actually will lose money in the next two

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DINING: (Piz)’Za made for the middle of the night

If you’re in Broad Ripple and hungry for pizza, you’ve got lots of options. But what do you do if it’s the
middle of the night on a Thursday and you and your entourage have the munchies? Well, for that very specific
demographic group of pizza eaters, there’s now ’Za, which is open until 4 a.m. Wednesday
to Saturday.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Here’s the best from International Film Fest

This year’s Indianapolis International Film Festival gets rolling later this usual, with a bump to summer precipitated
in part by the moving on of its founder to the Nashville Film Festival and in part by the move of most of the fest (minus
parties) to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We’ve spent the last few weeks reviewing most of the
features in competition.

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Why don’t Bush bashers disgust you?

Bashing the president is a time-honored tradition in the United States going all the way back to George
Washington himself and honed to a fine point by the Jefferson/Adams exchanges.

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HICKS: Muncie’s status quo is high taxes, poor service

Property-tax caps, as well as a dwindling population and commercial base, have left Muncie in the uncomfortable
situation of cutting budgets. Since the bulk of costs are related to fire and police salaries, few options
are available. The city has turned to the short length of rope the Legislature offered amid the debate
on property tax caps—the Local Option Income Tax.

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