
PERF confusion

I am not at all sure that a merger of two public pension plans is not a good idea, possibly just not under current investment management auspices.

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DINING: Rooting for Broad Ripple’s Canal Bistro

This week, our month-long experiment with the iPhone Urban Spoon feature (type in a region, shake, and get a restaurant recommendation)
led us to Canal Bistro International Grille (6349 N. Guilford Ave., 254-8700).

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‘Stomp’ bangs; Stolen sings

Acclaimed Steven Stolen, who has sung with symphonies nationwide, shared his clear, passionate high tenor voice in a free concert — Meridian Song Project’s “All About the Bs” program.

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Township offices have to go

Leaders on both sides of the aisle have called for streamlining township government, and it’s time to demand that our legislators
make those changes.

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Hall of Fame stories teach lessons

Judging acts of heroism for the American Red Cross Hall of Fame program is always an education and inspiration. It’s powerful stuff to read about professionals going above and beyond the call of duty and about ordinary citizens stepping outside their comfort zones on impulse to save a fellow human being. This year, it struck […]

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Let’s set record straight on benefits

The insurance industry and [Indiana] Chamber of Commerce are providing misleading and untruthful statements to employers and
their insured members about assignment of benefits.

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Celebrate contemporary heroes, too

When it comes time to celebrate African-American History month, wouldn’t we be better served with profiles of young, living role models we can talk to—heroes who can talk to us? Let me submit for your consideration Mercy Obeime.

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Economic illnesses are like viruses

What kind of remedy should be applied to the economy? Surely we want something that will work quickly. But we also want something
that will help provide income in the future. That’s called investment.

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