Indiana 250: Jeff Smulyan

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(Photo courtesy of Jeff Smulyan)

Jeff Smulyan is the founder of Emmis Corp., which started as an owner of radio stations but has transitioned to businesses that Smulyan believes have better growth potential. After selling most of its stations, Emmis is focused on newer acquisitions, including Lencore, which makes sound-masking products for offices and other commercial applications; Digonex, which provides dynamic pricing software for attractions, performing-arts organizations and other industries; and Sound That Brands, a Los Angeles-based podcasting studio specializing in branded audio content for national advertisers. In 2023, Emmis announced an investment in Israeli company Anzu, a developer of technology that enables advertising in PC, console, cloud and mobile video games. Smulyan, who once was an owner of the Seattle Mariners baseball team, has served on numerous local and national boards. In 2022, he wrote, “Never Ride A Rollercoaster Upside Down,” a behind-the-scenes account of his life as a risk-taking entrepreneur and former manager of wildly diverse personalities that included David Letterman, Ken Griffey Jr. and Don Imus.


There have been lots of them: Not making a success of the Seattle Mariners. Seeing Emmis nearly collapse several times because of too much debt. Not selling radio stations sooner. Failing at several smaller ventures.

I’ve always believed that you learn the best lessons of life in adversity. We became a stronger group by surviving adversity, and it allowed us to stay in business when almost all of our peers went bankrupt.


The joy of working with great people: collaborating with them, strategizing with them, laughing with them.


Saving the company from bankruptcy.


The extreme polarization. The gerrymandered political system that has radicalized our politics.


Like everyone else, I worry about my health and the health of my family and friends.

I also worry about making this country the beacon to the world that it was meant to be. I worry that we’re getting further away from that goal.


I live on my iPad; it’s where I read my newspapers, memos and emails. I love my Peloton. I am fanatical about being on it every day.


My favorite topic! We have Savannah (nicknamed Fozzie), a 9-year-old Goldendoodle. We have Jude (nicknamed Junior), a 5-year-old Goldendoodle. We have Valentine, a 13-year-old cat. They provide us with incredible joy, although Junior may be the most mischievous dog ever. That’s probably what makes him so much fun.•

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