20 in their Twenties Nomination

Twenty in their 20s

Nominations for the 2024 class will open April 15 and will close May 27.  

To recognize central Indiana’s up-and-coming leaders in business, the arts and culture, philanthropy and community service.

Who is eligible?
Anyone who is between the ages of 20 and 29 on Aug. 16, 2024, is eligible. If a person turns 30 on or before Aug. 16 or is not yet 20 on Aug. 16, that person is not eligible.

What is IBJ looking for?
Young adults in central Indiana whose achievements in business or the community stand out from their peers. We’re not just looking for someone who is doing a good job. We’re looking for someone who is exceling beyond what would be expected at the person’s age. We’re seeking influencers and people who show tremendous potential to be impactful in central Indiana.

How do I nominate?
Nominations are closed.

Can I nominate someone by email or another way?
Only nominations submitted through the online portal will be considered. Please do not email nominations or attachments. They will not be considered.

What is the nomination deadline?
Nominations for 2024 will open April 15 and will close May 27.

What do I need to nominate someone?
You should have the following ready to go when you start filling out the nomination form:

  • The nominee’s full name, mobile number, email address, current job position and company information.
  • A description of why the nominee should be considered for 20 in their Twenties recognition.
  • Basic job and resume information, although more detail is appreciated.
  • Up to two letters of recommendation. You do NOT need letters. But this is the only opportunity to add letters to your nomination form. Letters submitted separately will NOT be considered.
  • Any other materials such as a resume or supporting information (not including letters of recommendation) collected into ONE document, either a Word file or PDF.

How will honorees be chosen?
A committee of IBJ leaders and outside judges will choose 20 individuals.

How will honorees be recognized?
IBJ will recognize the honorees at an event on Aug. 13 and publish a special section in print and online on Aug. 16.

Can I nominate myself?
You can! However, we find that nominations are taken more seriously when an individual is nominated by someone else.

Will I be notified if my nominee is selected?
IBJ will notify nominees and their nominators if they are selected for the 2024 class. IBJ will notify only nominators that their nominee was not selected.

Who can I contact with questions about nominations?
You can email Special Publications Editor Samm Quinn at squinn@ibj.com.