Indianapolis Business Journal

AUGUST 3-9, 2009

Front PageBack to Top

Plans emerge for Winona Hospital redevelopment

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis wants the city to tear down the old Winona Memorial Hospital so it can build a community park and outdoor learning center. A private firm that specializes in environmentally
impaired properties wants to turn the building into senior apartments.

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Top StoriesBack to Top

New higher-ed chief takes aim at dropout rates

Teresa Lubbers became Indiana commissioner for higher education on July 7 after serving 17 years as a Republican state
senator from Indianapolis. She says every Hoosier needs some college-level training. Lubbers got a running start on her new
job, having served as chairwoman of the senate education committee
for years. She also worked frequently at the commission’s downtown offices during May and June—after her predecessor
left but before the Legislature returned for a special session to pass a budget. Her new staff dubbed her SenComm.

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Dow Chemical seems poised to keep AgroSciences

Midland, Mich.-based Dow Chemical Co. is still considering divesting Indianapolis subsidiary Dow AgroSciences LLC. But
chances that the chemical manufacturing giant will sell its local agricultural chemical and biotech unit appear to have decreased.

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FocusBack to Top

A new centerpiece for city’s convention strategy: medical, science groups

The Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association is putting together an all-star corporate consortium to make the city
a hub for medical and life sciences conventions, meetings and trade shows. The ICVA began running the initiative
full-speed this year and already has signed deals to bring 40 medical meetings to Indianapolis through 2015, including annual
meetings for the American Association of Diabetes Educators in 2012 and the American College of Sports Medicine and American
Chemical Society in 2013.

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Lawmakers cut state tourism office’s budget in half

Destinations throughout Indiana no longer can count on a state marketing campaign to help drive summer crowds. Lawmakers who
passed a budget during the special session at the end of June sliced the state’s annual contribution
to the Indiana Office of Tourism Management in half—from $4.8 million to $2.4 million.

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Small town, budget hotels hold own in difficult economy

While the local hotel industry is being rocked by the current economy, budget hotels and those in the small towns surrounding
Indianapolis are actually seeing gains. Properties affected by the Indianapolis 500, Brickyard 400 and Big Ten Tournament
are among the losers.

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OpinionBack to Top

EDITORIAL: Susan Bayh’s tangled web puts cloud over senator husband

Corporate boards need more women, but not people such as Susan Bayh, wife of Sen. Evan Bayh. It’s not
that she isn’t up to the task. The former attorney at Eli Lilly and Co. and visiting professor at Butler University
is by all accounts capable. So we’re not surprised she regularly receives invitations to serve on boards. But
we are surprised she accepts.

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MARCUS: Economic slump inspires platitudes galore

If the problem is that consumers and businesses
are not spending because banks aren’t lending, then government making it easier for banks to lend and consumers to spend
is a good thing. The stimulus plan is right on target.

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GARNER: Urban redevelopment requires dialogue

Later this summer, architects, urban planners, economists and hydrologists from around the city and around the nation will
come to Indianapolis to begin planning for the redevelopment of the area near 22nd Street and the Monon Trail. Known
as the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team, it will work with neighborhood organizations
and city leaders to develop a renewal plan to turn this blighted area into a thriving neighborhood.

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Officials should redevelop prison property

After outcry from the community, the plan to turn the current Women’s Prison on the near east side into a work release
facility for male prisoners was modified to make it barely palatable. However, there’s a larger point that shouldn’t
be overlooked.

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Energy act will hurt Indiana’s economy

A deeply concerning piece of legislation has just recently slipped through the [U.S.] House of Representatives. Although the American Clean Energy and Security Act has an appealing name and is created to improve our environment, in actuality, its passing through the Senate will cause dire problems for Hoosiers.

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In BriefBack to Top

Is Indiana coming out of venture capital swoon?

Carmel-based Dormir LLC’s announcement July 29 of $12 million in venture financing was the second local life sciences
deal announced in July. It could suggest a turnaround from a woeful second-quarter performance, when Indiana life
sciences firms announced zero venture capital deals.

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HHGregg growing too fast?

The fast-growing locally based electronics retailer HHGregg Inc. has seen its stock price rocket more than 80 percent this year as it moves to take advantage of the bankruptcy liquidation of rival Circuit City.

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Mobile search engine faces test

ChaCha Search, the increasingly popular creation of serial inventor Scott Jones, was bombarded last month
after early reports that Michael Jackson had died.

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Local contractor lands project for the president

Indianapolis-based architectural and engineering firm RW Armstrong will provide design and project management services for the Presidential
Helicopter Squadron, a 65,000-square-foot hangar complex being built at a Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va.

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