Indianapolis Business Journal

SEPTEMBER 16-22, 2013

Everybody knows that Indiana has a problem with brain drain—keeping its talented graduates in-state—right? Wrong. IBJ's J.K. Wall has debunked the conventional wisdom—and the findings of a major study—to show that Indiana actually holds onto a good share of its graduates. Tackling another bit of conventional wisdom, IBJ's Kathleen McLaughlin takes a closer look at the planned nonstop flights between Indianapolis and San Francisco and finds that they aren't as convenient for tech executives as advertised. And Anthony Schoettle finds a local inventor who has discovered that waterlogging doesn't necessarily mean the death of a smartphone.

Front PageBack to Top

New gadget revives waterlogged cellphones

Joel Trusty realized that if he could remove all the atmospheric pressure from a chamber, he could turn liquid—even liquid inside a cell phone—into a gas at a much lower temperature than otherwise possible.

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Top StoriesBack to Top

Durham’s appeal hangs on tossing damaging wiretaps

Attorneys for Tim Durham and his co-defendants cast their clients’ convictions on a total of 25 felony counts as the result of a string of legal missteps, including bungled jury instructions, and giving investigators the right to conduct wiretaps without first demonstrating that “ordinary investigative techniques failed or were unlikely to succeed.”

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Conner Prairie rolling out adults-only programming

The inaugural Prairie Plates event Sept. 20 represents a big step in the Hamilton County living history museum’s increasing effort to target grown-ups—a trend happening around the country as once-staid institutions look to expand audiences and increase revenue.

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FocusBack to Top

The brain drain in Indiana is a myth

An IBJ analysis of surveys of the nation’s college seniors shows Indiana has less of a brain drain than most other states. Instead, what ails Indiana is the lack of a “brain gain” of educated adults.

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Too few jobs in Indiana for science, tech graduates

Indiana’s problem with brain drain is that its business community is too weak to offer enough jobs or high enough pay to keep graduates with the best money-making potential—those with degrees in science, technology, engineering, math and business.

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OpinionBack to Top

GOODRICH: Don’t delay sewer, water upgrades

Indianapolis has largely reinvented itself over the last four decades. Most of our modern skyline—the major office towers and hotels that define downtown—came about in the last 20 years. The IUPUI campus took shape in the early 1970s and has continued to grow. The sports venues that helped put us on the map, the vast convention center, our impressive new airport terminal—all built within a generation.

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RUSTHOVEN: A president out of his league

The president’s handling of the Syria situation is a model of undermining U.S. credibility and influence. Three headlines from last week: 1. “Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad”; “Amateur Hour in the White House”; “Dazed and Confused.”

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KIM: Fraudsters want to steal from your self-directed IRA

Custodians of self-directed IRAs will permit a broader universe of investments, such as real estate and unregistered securities. Because it is unlikely the custodian will investigate whether the unregistered security or promoter are legitimate, you can see why fraud promoters love self-directed IRAs.

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Lincoln’s Republicans

If Abe Lincoln were asked about the proposed legislation to amend Indiana’s Constitution to ban gay marriage [Maurer, Sept. 2], he would respond as he has in the past: “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”

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Maurer got it right

You got it, brother, [Maurer, Sept. 2] except we need to mount up our pickups and ATVs, load up our Glocks, .45s and AK-47s and lay waste to those idiots who want to marry whomever they please.

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Wanting full marriage

I love Indianapolis. It is our home and I would love to marry my partner, but we will never settle for a watered-down version of marriage.

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Purdue fortunate to have Daniels as president

Your [Sept. 2] cover story on Purdue President Mitch Daniels referenced “skepticism” from certain camps within the Purdue faculty. In the article, professor David Sanders was quoted as a basis for that skepticism.

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Running for office again?

J.K. Wall’s [Sept. 2] article points out that Mitch Daniels is trying to “create new ways to measure student learning, graduate success and overall academic quality at Purdue” and that “Such a system of measurements would help students, parents and donors choose schools based on the best bang for the buck … ”

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In BriefBack to Top

Gov. Pence courting Japanese firms during trip

Gov. Mike Pence will have met with every major Japanese employer in central Indiana by the time he returns Sept. 14 from his first overseas trade mission. Pence is trying to drum up new investment while thanking the companies that have had a presence here for decades.

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