Sen. Todd Young says he won’t support Trump nomination

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U.S. Sen. Todd Young, R-Indiana

U.S. Sen. Todd Young of Indiana told reporters in Washington D.C. Thursday that he won’t support fellow Republican Donald Trump in his 2024 run for the GOP presidential nomination.

When asked why, according to several tweets, Young said, “Where do I begin?”

Young named at least one factor in the brief exchange: Trump’s failure to vocalize his support for Ukraine in the yearlong conflict following the Russian invasion.

“I think President Trump’s judgment is wrong in this case. (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin and his government have been engaged in war crimes … That’s why I don’t intend to support him for the Republican nomination,” Young said, according to video tweeted by CNN reporter Manu Raju.

In a CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night, moderator Kaitlan Collins asked Trump about whether Ukraine should win the war, Trump said, he didn’t “think in terms of winning or losing.”

“I want everybody to stop dying,” Trump said.

He declined to support Ukraine explicitly and pushed back against calling Putin a “war criminal.

Young was not asked whether he would support Trump if he wins the nomination. Young was just re-elected in 2022 to a six-year term. He has broken with Trump on several key issues, including the president’s desire for then-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 election results.

Politico noted that Young was one of only four Senate GOP incumbents that Trump didn’t endorse for re-election.

Trump appeared on CNN Wednesday as a candidate for Republican nomination for President in the 2024 election. Other declared candidates for the nomination include: former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Ryan Binkley, Larry Elder, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Perry Johnson and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is also rumored to be considering a run for the Republican nomination.

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17 thoughts on “Sen. Todd Young says he won’t support Trump nomination

  1. I have been critical of the way Senator Young has been mostly silent amid the dangerous radicalization and moral rot of various parts of his party, including (but not limited to) Trump. So, I must now offer the senator kudos for speaking up. It should not really have to be a “profile in courage” to publicly state that the wildly corrupt and authoritarian former president is unfit to lead our nation, but very few Republicans have had the guts to say so. Thank you, Senator Young!

    1. He really does seem to be taking up the Sen. Lugar “statesman” mantle on our behalf. He conducts and presents himself well, and though I disagree with some of his policy positions, I certainly respect his way of upholding the dignity of the office. (Once a Marine, always a Marine, I guess.)

    2. Senator Young is a Deep State globalist financed by Mitch McConnell! It is no wonder the country is in the shape we are in.

    3. “dangerous radicalization and moral rot of various parts of his party”

      Can men become women, Steve?

  2. Not a fan of his agreeing to reckless spending though. Where Braun voted no to the omnibus, Young spends away. He’s certainly not “fiscally” conservative. That is like to see a bit more of.

    1. I don’t always agree with Senator Young, but I applaud his courage, morals, and ethics. I proud to to be have him as our Senator.

  3. Like who cares who this Mitch McConnell stooge supports? This dude is a bona fide RINO. Unfortunately, we have to put up with this career politician/ political hack for another 6 years. He’s a phony and I can’t stand him.

    1. + 1. RINO uniparty lackey. terrible senator – worse than lugar but not much…

  4. If you (Senator Young) are a decent human being, there has to be more than the lack of support for Ukrainians, that you find amiss in the FORMER Prez’s continuance to ruin our country! He is the worst of mongrels that should be put down.

  5. The name Trump brings out the worst in some people. Glad to hear Sen. Young saying “No” to Trump. “All to often, wisdom never comes, therefore we should not reject it when it comes late.” Said the late S. CT. Justice Felix Frankfurter.

  6. Too little too late — if Trump wins, both he and Braun will both be begging for this support and approval. Neither of the Indiana senators are truly principled men with Conservative, Hoosier values. They are political opportunists that purely read the tea leaves. Would be nice for a Centrist Republican or Dem to truly stand on principles and lead that way.

    1. Would be nice, but in this environment, a moderate can’t make it through a primary in this state. Sen Young has always put just enough distance between himself and Trump to signal he’s not a fan, but not full-Romney to get a tweet-storm and pitchforks to get the Lugar-treatment in Indiana.

      Now, he’s (correctly, I hope) predicted that the Trump fever will break by the next two presidential cycles when his reelection next rolls around

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