
Steak n Shake changing its name, moving HQ to Texas

Indianapolis is on the verge of losing one of its most prominent public companies. The Steak n Shake Co. is planning to
change its name to Biglari Holdings Inc. and move its headquarters to San Antonio. The Steak n Shake restaurant chain would retain a presence in Indianapolis.

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Emerson Heights wins historic designation

Emerson Heights, a streetcar suburb just west of Irvington, has been added to the State Historic Register and will be considered
for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Finish Line forfeits incentive deal

Mall retailer The Finish Line Inc. has agreed to forfeit a potentially lucrative tax-abatement deal because it won’t be able
to meet a 2008 promise to create almost 200 jobs and invest $24 million at its Indianapolis headquarters.

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Outlook remains grim for commercial real estate

Expect another year of rising vacancies, declining property values and distressed sales in the central Indiana commercial
real estate
market. That’s the message from Colliers Turley Martin Tucker in its annual State of Real Estate report.

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