
Lilly committed to China despite IP woes

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. is one of several Western pharmaceutical firms that see China as a linchpin of growth in coming years, due to patent expirations and a slowdown in government reimbursements for prescription medicines in the U.S. and European markets.

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IPS hopes new high school attracts high-achievers

Christine Collier, the longtime leader of the Center for Inquiry elementary and middle schools, is designing a high school within the Indianapolis Public Schools system that officials hope will draw students who now attend some of the highest-achieving K-8 schools in the IPS system.

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Supremes to decide health reform’s fate

After a year of debate followed by a year-and-a-half of recriminations, the fate of President Obama’s health care reform law will come down to a 4-1/2-hour hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court in the spring.

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Glucose monitor deal helps Roche catch up

Roche Diagnostics will partner with a San Diego firm to incorporate its continuous glucose monitoring sensor with a wireless handheld device Roche is developing to help diabetics test their blood sugar and track their glucose levels throughout the day.

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Nearly 4,000 students seek private-school vouchers

The program, which gives Hoosier students an average of $4,500 from the state to apply toward private-school tuition, was created this year by the Indiana General Assembly. More than 250 private schools have been approved to accept the vouchers.

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IU med school gets $9M for Alzheimer’s center

The grant is the fifth consecutive five-year grant the Alzheimer Disease Center has received from NIH to support research to understand the causes and potential treatments for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

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As an Eli Lilly and Co. lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Jay Bonitt is hoping the Congressional “super committee” charged with trimming the federal budget doesn’t turn to the Medicare prescription drug program, known as Part D, to do so. Bonitt, Lilly's vice president of federal affairs, said the program is under budget and helps spur drugmakers to further innovation.

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Ortho firms pull back on doc payments

The number of payments in excess of $1 million didn’t change substantially from year to year, but orthopedic companies sharply cut their fees to surgeons who received the smallest amounts.

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