
INVESTING: It’s early, but trends for ’07 are unfolding as expected

The trends of 2007 possibly have been established, and so far it looks as if these trends are playing out close to the script I wrote a month ago. At the beginning of the year, I expected big-cap growth stocks, especially Americanbased companies, to perform the best this year. I thought small caps would continue their slowing momentum against other assets, and that foreign markets, both emerging and developed, would not quite live up to the numbers they posted last…

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INVESTING: How ethanol mania is making a mess of the corn market

For the last 30 years, politicians from farm-heavy states like Indiana have been pushing for a massive increase in the production of ethanol. As oil prices began to kick up earlier this decade, their long lobbying efforts started to make some sense. Eighteen months ago, I highlighted Archer Daniels Midland as a company to play this move, and the stock went from $21 to $44 in a little more than a year. In the last 12 months, there have been…

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INVESTING: Look to the big stocks for the biggest gains in 2007

Not to beat a dead horse, but I’ve been saying for months that smaller stocks will underperform the big boys. Now that the facts have backed up my prediction (always nice when that happens), let’s look at a few big fish that have the potential to get fatter this year. The second-largest company in the world by market value is General Electric. Since Jack Welch shook the foundations of this firm in 1981, GE has been a true wealth generator….

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INVESTING: Congress’ first 100 hours suggest we’re in for long year

Investors could get shafted from the big guys at the top. The most powerful people in America potentially could fleece the average investor, and the only recourse we might have is hope. No, I am not talking about the outrageous but legal (a contract was signed) exit pay package of the former CEO of Home Depot. I am not talking about the options scandal that eventually wrapped up Steve Jobs from Apple, even though he is worth every penny the…

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INVESTING: Recipe for 2007 success: Avoid overheated sectors

In a way, 2007 is starting off right where last year ended. Large-cap Chinese stocks (up about 25 percent since I mentioned them here in October) tore it up in the first day of trading. I don’t know how long these Chinese stocks can keep cranking, but I have a feeling that, by the end of this year, big-cap stocks in America will have outperformed most foreign markets, including China. Keeping an eye on expectations can be a great way…

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INVESTING: No need to fret over sputtering transport stocks

Recent weakness in a major U.S. stock index has some experts and investors calling the bear out of hibernation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average probably is more closely followed than any other market indicator in the world, but the index creating the stir is the Dow Jones Transportation Index. The creator of these indicators, Charles Dow, saw them as a means to get a quick understanding of the general economic conditions in America. Today, market analysts combine the two into…

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INVESTING: Deal-making frenzy sweeps through trading exchanges

More than 200 years ago, people used to gather under the Buttonwood Tree, a big Sycamore on Wall Street, to trade stocks. Those traders have long since passed on, and their piles of cash have been delegated to others. But, oh man, are we talking piles. Exchanges are the hottest investment right now. They are getting more hype than China. All of this recent spike in speculation has created an almost unacceptable level of risk for investors in exchange stocks,…

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INVESTING: Market’s malaise provides opportunity to look ahead

The stock market is experiencing a bout of hemming and hawing (that’s a savvy Wall Street term) that easily could last the rest of this year. I highlighted this potential weakness, especially in the tech sector, a few weeks ago. I am using this time out to rehash some of the battles of 2006 and, more important, get ready to position for 2007. Stay with me and see how we’re going to make 2007 pay off for us, big time….

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INVESTING: Drug stocks are out of favor-so snap up the bargains

One of the biggest companies in the world just dropped a bomb. Investors got scared. I am going to tell you why Wall Street took the news the wrong way, and what it means to one of the most important industries to consumers. In the 1990s, Pfizer made a series of acquisitions that transformed the company into the second-largest drug firm in the world. Pfizer is worth about three times Eli Lilly’s market value. Until now, Pfizer employed more than…

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INVESTING: Concerns about weakness of U.S. dollar overblown

The sky-or, rather, the U.S. dollar-is falling. You’ve been hearing about the inevitable demise of the U.S. dollar for years. It recently fell to an 18-month low against the euro. The yen and other major Asian currencies are gaining ground. Headlines are screaming inflation is going to skyrocket, and interest rates will have to head higher. Is this the end of your retirement plan? How are you going to profit from this? We have the answers, right here. First, currency…

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INVESTING: Election outcome a big setback for nation on upswing

A recent election ended in disaster. Voters revived a party that has no business coming back into power. I only hope the electorate wakes up soon and gets the situation back on track. No, I am not talking about the congressional elections in the United States. I’m talking about the presidential election in Nicaragua, where Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista Party, was re-elected president after a 15-year hiatus. Real estate values plunged 10 percent instantly, and large corporations began…

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INVESTING: Initial public offerings have sizzle, but they also sting

Everyone loves easy money. Initial public offerings are often viewed as fast cash for those who get in early. The craziest IPO I can remember was theglobe.comin the late 1990s. The stock went up over 10 times the first day of trading. Even though it’s been a while since those kinds of pops grabbed headlines, Wall Street continues to crank out a steady stream of IPOs. Some are worth looking at and some are better to walk away from. Merrill…

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INVESTING: Investing opportunities remain, but pick your spots

Only about a month and a half is left in the year. It feels as though under-invested managers are pushing to make things happen so they can catch up to the market. Today, we are going to get into where the strength should be the rest of the year, and some of it is coming from unsuspecting places. We’ll also look at what should be avoided. It won’t come as any surprise where the weakness lies. The markets have been…

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INVESTING: Energy, material stocks showing signs of strength

We’ve been talking lately about falling prices and the effects on stock prices. I know everyone gets a big kick out of cheaper gas, and a lot of experts are telling us oil will fall to $40 a barrel. But judging from recent market action, oil and other commodity plays might do better than observers think for the rest of the year. The headline-grabbing news of the weak housing market is doing a great job taking people’s eyes off the…

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INVESTING: For investors, a world of opportunity awaits in Singapore

Westerners have been dreaming about the riches of the Far East for centuries. Christopher Columbus didn’t set out to discover America. He was looking for a faster route to India and China. More than 500 years later, the dream is not completely fulfilled, but riches can still be had, as long as you have some to begin with. I just returned from Singapore. This tiny nation-state is the most densely populated country on earth, and it is smack dab in…

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INVESTING: Watch out, mutual funds-a competitor eyes your turf

Mutual funds became truly dominant in the early 1980s when our government strengthened the 401(k) rules. Most 401(k) plans do not allow participants to buy individual stocks, or much of anything besides mutual funds. So these massive institutions are supported by legions of workers mechanically depositing small amounts every month. The gig has gotten even better for the fund providers over the last 25 years because 401(k) participants have developed habits of doing almost nothing with their money after they…

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INVESTING: Long term, China and India offer opportunities aplenty

To put it mildly, the hype about China (and now, increasingly, about India) has been enough to choke a horse. I know. I got right to the front of the bandwagon three years ago when I started writing about India. But when it comes to your cash, it’s only worth talking about stuff that is going to make you money. We are not in a classroom. And with your money firmly in the front of our mind, let’s find out…

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INVESTING: Riding waves a lot like navigating stock market

I like to surf. I’ve been doing it for 25 years and, although I live in Indiana, I indulge my hobby with a few quality trips a year. One thing I love about surfing is the amount of fun I have without taking a lot of risk. Shark attacks are infrequent, and I don’t surf places with a history of them. And if the surf is so big as to be dangerous, I just stay out of the water. I…

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INVESTING: Mexicans turn pro-market, Americans socialist

Hola! I feel like speaking Spanish today. I want to go down to Mexico and protest with my socialist brothers the outrages of the freeelection process. There’s a lot of wealth we Americans didn’t create but want to take, and that’s hard to do when a bunch of capitalists are running Mexico. It has been a long struggle for Mexico. Decades of anti-capitalist governments and first-rate corruption have created problems that will take generations to work out. But the election…

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INVESTING: Lessons to draw from the new slide in transport stocks

One of the staples of a bear market is the futile attempt investors make to rationalize why they are staying invested. (This happens, of course, until it is far too late to do anything about remaining in the market). After the June 14 market low, one of the common rationalizations I heard was that the Dow Jones Transportation Index was nearing an all-time high. But like visions of a dying man wandering in the desert, it turned out be another…

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