
Recent wins worth $4B to Lilly market value

Lilly is finally putting meat on the bones of its predictions about its experimental diabetes and cancer drugs. That gives investors the certainty they crave that Lilly’s future revenue won’t remain in its 2014 doldrums.

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Roche drug trial backs Lilly on Alzheimer’s findings

Results of a Roche clinical trial mirror those produced by an experimental Lilly drug two years ago. Lilly executives say that validates their approach in the multi-billion-dollar race to market the first drug to reverse Alzheimer’s.

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Endocyte stock doubles after key approval in Europe

The stock price of Endocyte Inc. skyrocketed by as much as 130 percent Friday morning after the drug company got a thumbs up in Europe to market its first drug and received a new round of favorable clinical trial results.

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