
UPDATE: State education panel leader wants to re-score ISTEP

Rep. Robert Behning, R-Indianapolis, said he wants to hire a contractor to re-score the 2015 ISTEP test, which he calls a “disaster.” Meanwhile, the House education committee approved a measure sparing teachers from having their performance pay reduced as a result of the scores.

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LGBT rights loom as lawmakers set other priorities

While leaders for the GOP majorities in both chambers discussed an array of policy priorities, they had much less to say about the debate over adding discrimination protections for lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people to state law.

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IBJ’s most-read stories of 2015

Despite national attention paid to RFRA and Jared Fogle, most of IBJ’s top-read online stories this year were the result of deeply sourced reporting on people, issues and businesses specific to central Indiana.

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