
GOP sets sights on maintaining supermajorities

After most Indiana lawmakers survived primary contests, Republicans turn their focus to November as they try to maintain majorities in the General Assembly that are so large even a Democratic walkout can't stop them from passing legislation.

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Indiana voters oust two over gay marriage votes

Indiana voters defeated two Republican legislators who helped keep a gay marriage ban off the November ballot, but most other incumbents prevailed Tuesday in a primary election lacking a galvanizing issue or marquee statewide race.

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City Dems propose $16 million more for road repairs

Indianapolis City-County Council Democrats want to spend $16 million more on emergency road work. The Democrats oppose Republican Mayor Greg Ballard’s plan for a $150 million bond issue and instead want to tap general and special funds.

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Veterans Affairs department rejects call for leader to quit

The Indianapolis-based American Legion, the nation's largest veterans service group, called Monday for the resignations of U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and two of his top aides amid an investigation into allegations of corruption and unnecessary deaths.

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Light turnout expected for Tuesday elections

The primary will be the first in a dozen years that the ticket won’t be led by a statewide office. But county races are on the ballot and so are all 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives and half of the state’s 50 Senate seats.

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