
Daniels fell short on lifting incomes

As Gov. Mitch Daniels leaves office in January, there is debate about whether his policies of keeping taxes and spending low, while pursuing alternative strategies to improve roads and schools, have been the best way to help Indiana attract and create more high-wage, knowledge-based jobs.

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No deal in sight as deadline for fiscal cliff nears

Lawmakers are engaged in a playground game of "who goes first," daring each political party to let the year end without resolving a Jan. 1 confluence of higher taxes and deep spending cuts that could rattle a recovering, but-still-fragile economy.

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Irvington groups save landmark from demolition

The former post office at Washington Street and Ritter Avenue once anchored a commercial hub in the historic neighborhood. About $400,000 in repairs are expected before the groups attempt to flip the property for a new use.

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Lugar’s storied political career comes to a close

Colleagues and friends say Lugar’s commitment to foreign policy, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, and his belief in bipartisanship, which contributed to his thrashing by Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock in the May primary, will be sorely missed when he leaves the Senate in January after 36 years.

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