
Committee explores ways to reduce government

Charging not-for-profits for government services, eliminating certain paper records and trimming how much counties pay to mental-health institutions are among the ways local officials say the cost of government could be reduced.

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State lawmakers to take on unemployment insurance

Businesses with a history of laying off employees would pay more in unemployment insurance costs, and workers in industries where layoffs occur regularly would receive lower benefits under a bill Indiana lawmakers are preparing to take up.

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Some big bills on back burner in Indiana Legislature

Three weeks into Indiana's legislative session, Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma is touting the hard work being done on major issues. Democratic House Minority Leader Patrick Bauer contends the session is off to a slow start.

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State lawmakers consider repealing alcohol ID bill

An Indiana law that requires all people—regardless of age—to show identification when buying alcohol has caused headaches for some shoppers, but liquor store representatives are urging lawmakers not to repeal it.

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UPDATE: Biden touts advanced vehicles in Greenfield

Vice President Joe Biden was in Greenfield, about 25 miles east of Indianapolis, on Wednesday morning to visit an EnerDel plant that received a $118.5 million Recovery Act grant in 2009 to expand its lithium-ion battery production.

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GOP lawmakers push plan to expand charters

The House Education Committee is considering a bill to allow more charter schools, which are public schools that are free of certain state regulations. The bill also allows charters to share state transportation funds with traditional public schools.

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