
Meet Indiana’s new poet laureate

I know the suspense was killing you, so here’s some relief.

As of last week, Indiana has a new poet laureate. He’s Norbert Krapf, a St. Joseph’s College grad with an M.A. from Notre Dame. His name is on 21…

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A&E reviews, contests…and TV

Welcome to Friday.

I just wanted to alert you to a couple of things.

First, we’ve added a new portal page to make it easy for you to find not just this blog, but also the A&E reviews from my column in the print…

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One for the books: Barden/Obama

One of Indy’s most notable writers, Dan Barden, earned national acclaim for his book “John Wayne: a novel,” published in 1997 by Random House. He’s also penned essays for such publications as GQ and Details, teaches creative writing at Butler…

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A book by its cover

On my long to-do list for this weekend is to dig into Barbara Shoup’s upcoming young adult novel “Everything You Want” (set for release in April from Flux books).

Shoup is an Indiana writer with a stack of acclaimed books to…

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Another critic bites the dust

The Los Angeles Times has decided it doesn’t need a full-time dance critic and so Lewis Segal is now out of a job.

What does that matter to you?

Well, it’s no secret that daily newspapers are placing less emphasis on arts…

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Reviews, previews, blogs, etc.

While this blog has loads of readers (110,000 page visits in January.), I’ve found, anecdotally, that that number includes some who know little about IBJ’s other arts and entertainment coverage.

So I thought I’d take today’s posting and give you a…

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Almond on Vonnegut

I’m a bit shamed to admit it, but when I picked up Steve Almond’s recent collection of essays “(Not that You Asked)” I cringed a little when I saw that the first substantial one focused on the author’s literary hero,…

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You-review-it Monday, 1-21-08

I had a busy A&E weekend, with the “Three Girls and Their Buddy” concert at Clowes Hall on Friday night (more on that later), the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s hot ticket “Rite of Spring” performance on Saturday (see previous blog entry…

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World’s best bookstores, etc.

One of the most pleasant hours of my weekend was spent chatting with staff and customers at Big Hat Books, the Broad Ripple independent that gave the city a low-key cultural infusion when it opened a few years ago….

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End Times/Good Times

Today, “I am Legend” opens in theaters and “The Mist” is still lingering. I’m hoping to see both this weekend.
Next month, “End Days” opens at the Phoenix Theatre, and Spotlight Theatre will stage the apocalyptic “Early One Evening at the…

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