

Funding not only obstacle for Indy Eleven stadium

Even if the Indiana General Assembly approves a funding mechanism for a proposed $87 million downtown soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven—which is no sure thing—hurdles would remain. For starters: where to build it.

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Large crowds buoying pro sports teams

There’s never been a better time to be a professional sports franchise operator in Indianapolis. Season-ticket renewal rates and attendance are near record levels. But some observers wonder whether too much of a good thing could turn into a bad thing if spending on sports outruns growth in the local economy.

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Analysis casts doubt on revenue projection for soccer stadium

The Indy Eleven soccer team would generate just $2 million to $4 million a year in ticket sales, a fraction of the $51 million that owner Ersal Ozdemir has estimated a new downtown stadium would generate including non-soccer events, according to an independent analysis.

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