
Studies: Employers could save with Medicaid expansion

The debate over expanding Medicaid in Indiana so far has hinged on how much it will cost. But two recent studies suggest Hoosier employers should be focused on how much a Medicaid expansion will save them: perhaps as much as $400 million per year.

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Baldwin to move HQ to Carmel, add 133 jobs

Trucking and auto fleet insurer Baldwin & Lyons Inc. plans to move its headquarters from downtown Indianapolis to Carmel by the end of the year and hopes to add 133 jobs over the next five years, the company announced Monday afternoon.

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CNO Financial boosts fourth-quarter profit

The Carmel-based holding company for insurance firms reported fourth-quarter 2012 net income of $101.2 million, or 41 cents a share. That was a 57 percent jump over the same quarter in 2011.

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Amerigroup chief emerges as a frontrunner for WellPoint job

WellPoint Inc. is still considering former Amerigroup Corp. CEO James Carlson among several finalists to become CEO. Statements and filings this month have fueled speculation among analysts and shareholders that Carlson has vaulted ahead of other prospects.

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WellPoint draws criticism for California rate increase

WellPoint Inc.’s plan to raise the rates for small employers in California was criticized as unreasonable by the state insurance commissioner, who said customers are being charged this year to cover U.S. health-law fees that won’t begin until 2014.

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WellPoint reaffirms 2012 earnings forecast

WellPoint Inc. is sticking with a 2012 earnings forecast that it had cut in July, and the nation's second-largest health insurer said it expects next year's earnings to be on par with this year's performance.

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Analyst: WellPoint CEO search down to two

According to one Wall Street analyst, the search for a new CEO for Indianapolis-based health insurer WellPoint Inc. is down to two candidates: former Aetna Inc. CEO Ron Williams and Amerigroup Corp. CEO Jim Carlson.

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Pence not ruling out health partnership with feds

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence has ruled out building a state-run health insurance exchange but appears to be leaving open the option of running a joint venture with the federal government as a critical decision deadline draws near.

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