
The right mix of work and vacation

Americans have long desired the comparatively lavish vacations enjoyed by peers in other industrialized countries, but the
higher productivity of the U.S. economy is the trade-off.

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Drugs in our water

Researchers are finding a host of pharmaceutical residues in tributaries to the White River, from which Indianapolis and other
cities draw drinking water.

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Taking Ostrom to Indiana forests

How rich that Elinor Ostrom, the Indiana University professor who won a Nobel prize for economics yesterday, got her nails
dirty researching how people in pockets of forests in undeveloped nations allocate their natural resources.

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Organizing armies of volunteers

A company has started to organize logistics for trade associations and other groups that gather for conventions in Indianapolis
and want to "give back" to the city while they’re here.

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Federal workers dodging layoffs

One of the best places to have waited out this recession was in federal government. Federal workers have pretty much gotten
a bye on pink slips at a time private sector employees have taken it on the chin.

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