
Cultural Trail pork?

The finished trail will be great. But the federal government is on a trajectory toward fiscal oblivion.

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Education by statistics

Inconceivable as it might sound, will the increasing focus on academic performance in public schools give private schools
a run for their money? It wouldn’t be the first time statistics upset an apple cart.

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Indy turns architectural corner

A Ball State architect thinks Indianapolis residents will like what they see in the new J.W. Marriott hotel downtown and beat
drums for more interesting buildings.

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Underrated entrepreneurs

The Indianapolis area is home to myriad unsung entrepreneurs who run interesting companies, make money and create good jobs.
Here are some of them.

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Indy without Lilly, the 500?

An Indiana University prof thinks Indianapolis should anticipate a future without Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and a potentially
reduced Eli Lilly and Co.

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Comparing Coakley, Bayh

Evan Bayh is no Martha Coakley. But on the outside chance Bayh could be beat in this year’s senate race, an opponent might
do best to paint him as an elitist.

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