
Letter: Indiana’s forests are in good hands

The Division of Forestry, staffed by real foresters, has no intention of liquidating our state forests. That would make no sense. The forest products industry gains nothing by lowering hardwood values and cutting away their futures.

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Indiana’s kids can’t wait

What if you could give hope to a sick child? Or save a baby’s life? What if you could arrest childhood cancer? These are questions we are posing as Riley Children’s Foundation launches “Be the Hope NOW: The Campaign for Kids.” As one of the nation’s leaders in pediatric medicine, Riley Hospital for Children at […]

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Not-for-profits should prepare for volunteers

I read Maggie Phelps’ recent In the Workplace column [Let’s become better-quality volunteers, Jan. 4] with great interest. Although she briefly touched upon a not-for-profit’s responsibility, I do not think she presented the case impartially by looking through the eyes of the volunteer. I have volunteered repeatedly for very worthy causes—from the Pan Am games […]

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KENNEDY: Legislators ignore their constituents—again

This is the fourth year Indiana’s legislators have been asked to enact a bias-crimes bill. As proponents have pointed out, ours is one of only five states without such a law. As the business community has testified, the impression that Indiana is a state unfriendly to minorities—an impression that “went viral” during Gov. Mike Pence’s […]

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Indiana on the right path in rethinking tourism approach

Last fall's state-commissioned report on Indiana’s tourism industry was upbeat, declaring “there is no single overt or monstrous problem that needs to be solved within the state’s tourism framework.” That’s the nature of state reports—no one wants to cast aspersions on the gains achieved by managers and rank-and-file employees in the state’s Office of Tourism […]

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Look for more tinkering with hate crimes, stadium bills

You can breathe a sigh of relief now. We’ve made it to the midpoint of the 2019 session without serious evidence of bad faith, bad legislation or bad weather ahead. That portends well for an efficient and effective session benefiting all Hoosiers. Until it doesn’t. Yes, typically something does arise in the final third of […]

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In the workplace: Business strategy is missing people strategy

Working as a brand strategist for several years, my role was dedicated to not only helping brands map out their strategy, but also teaching them what a strategy is, what it’s not, and why it matters so much. I’d have to explain how a strategy is an informed plan of action intended to meet a […]

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