
Do we really need more billboards?

How frustrating is it to be driving down our Indiana highways only to have our view of farmland and trees interrupted by the visual clutter of billboards? Driving south on Interstate 65 from Indianapolis, for example, motorists encounter billboard clutter around Austin and Scottsburg. And of course let’s not forget the infamous billboards as one […]

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Condescending left doesn’t get Hoosiers

A few thoughts after reading the Jan. 4 Q&A with Joe Donnelly’s campaign strategist, Peter Hanscom. His obvious arrogance and disdain for folks not in possession of a college degree and implication of them in his candidate’s loss sent me straight to my keyboard without even finishing the interview. He seems to be saying, “Yes, […]

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Cartoonist captured leaders’ fear of marijuana

In the Jan. 4 editorial cartoon, Shane Johnson effectively and humorously showed the truth and reality of the perpetuated fear and hardheadedness of Indiana leadership, including Gov. Holcomb, over the legalization of marijuana. Well done! Also, my hat is off to IBJ for publishing such a timely subject, with the lame excuses and rationalizations recently […]

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A path to more good jobs in central Indiana

There has never been a better time to do business in Indiana. However, new research shows our region will need the combined efforts of business, government and civic leaders if we’re to ensure that more people have access to family-sustaining jobs. Last month, the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program released a report commissioned by the Central […]

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Access, money key to building Indiana’s tech workforce

Last month, hundreds of schools and thousands of K-12 students across Indiana participated in the annual “Hour of Code.” They joined an estimated 100 million of their peers around the globe in giving programming a try for at least one hour. An offshoot of Computer Science week (the second week in December), the Hour of Code […]

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In new year, consider a new workplace culture

January is traditionally the time of year when we take stock of our lives, but it’s also a great time to re-evaluate your company’s culture. Even though the month is half over, it’s not too late for you to resolve to improve the workplace environment for your employees. Given the current low unemployment rate that […]

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Disruptive Statehouse issues tough to anticipate

The annual legislative parlor game asks what issue will crop up this session and disrupt leadership efforts to efficiently manage the proceedings. Sometimes this is a partisan clash, but more recently—with super-minority Democrats unable to throw the proverbial monkey wrench into the process—this phenomenon has morphed from the partisan to the philosophical or fiscal realm. […]

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Letter: Put policy to work to tackle skills gap

In early December the Indiana Manufacturers Association launched a regional manufacturing education initiative working with education partners so classes can be customized and available in the communities where jobs are waiting.

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