
EDITORIAL: Tightfisted owner tanked Marsh

We don’t begrudge Sun for trying to turn a profit. And we acknowledge that Marsh had plenty of problems when Sun scooped it up. But the company—and community—deserved a better steward than Sun.

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Trump’s budget repairs our broken culture

George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen has just published a timely new book, “The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream.” Cowen’s message is that America is a nation that has lost its edge. Entrepreneurism and the willingness to take risks—key factors that once defined the American economy and made it the growth […]

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Neither hot nor cold on climate change

Like a lot of conservatives who write about public policy, my views on climate change place me in the ranks of what the British writer Matt Ridley once dubbed the “lukewarmers.” Lukewarmers accept that the earth is warming and that our civilization’s ample CO2 emissions are a major cause. They doubt, however, that climate change […]

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