
Legislature should consider liquor change

A popular saying among jurists declares, “The law should remain stable but never stand still.” Regarding an adherence to principles while also embracing innovation, this saying applies to businesses as well. My wife and I founded Ricker’s Oil Co. in our home in 1979. Like most small business owners, we had modest dreams and all […]

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JOHNSON: Closing the Statehouse ‘millennial’ gap

Hoosier millennials take one glance at the latest from the Statehouse and think: Why bother? The Indiana General Assembly’s work product is a result of policy priorities that wouldn’t be out of place on the set of “Happy Days.”

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Hidden dining adventure awaits just off Mass Avenue

From the outside, The Owner’s Wife (608 Park Ave., 317-423-8765) seems to be doing its best to keep anyone from knowing it’s a restaurant and bar. The simple signage on the nondescript building on a side street off Massachusetts Avenue gives no hint of the pleasures inside and there’s no menu under glass to reveal […]

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Health care column was too simplistic

The commentary titled “Being a smart health care consumer isn’t easy” was a big disappointment [May 1]. It was nothing more than a superficial, anecdotal complaint about a system whose flaws are well known to almost everyone. Who does not know about the cost and complexity of our current system?  The particulars which Mr. Morris […]

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McROBBIE: Meeting Indiana marketplace demands

For Indiana to remain viable in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, it is critical that we fill our talent pipeline with highly skilled, smart, flexible and experienced workers who will thrive in an ever-evolving economy.

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KENLEY: Improve I-65, I-70 to six lanes and toll

The Legislature just finished a very successful session with a good, balanced budget and passed a needed road funding bill designed to secure Indiana’s road infrastructure needs for local and state government. In spite of this significant achievement, one more element regarding road infrastructure is needed to make Indiana a successful state with appropriate road […]

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EDITORIAL: Setback shouldn’t derail Anthem

we understand why Anthem’s board and management made an aggressive bid for increased scale—and we think their reasoning was well-founded. In fact, we welcome the company’s go-for-it mind-set.

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