
SMITH: Revenue forecasts are remarkably accurate

Indiana is among 15 states that implement the best practices outlined by the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for methodology and processes. Kentucky is the only nearby state that can make a similar claim. But it’s Indiana’s process for forecasting tax revenue that stands out.

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HARRIS: Lawmakers must invest in IPS success

For years, state and community leaders have been calling for these types of reforms in IPS, and now that they’re in motion, such changes have put the district on a path toward dramatic improvement.

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Trump is wimping out on trade

During the campaign, Donald Trump talked loudly and often about how he was going to renegotiate the United States’ “horrible trade deals,” bringing back millions of good jobs. So far, however, nothing has happened. So on Friday the White House scheduled a ceremony in which Trump would sign two new executive orders on trade. The […]

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The king of crash and burn

In the movie “Iron Man 2” (yes, superhero films are my guilty pleasure, so just bear with me) the villain, a rogue Russian scientist, informs the hero, Iron Man, of his theory on how easily he could be brought down: “If you could make God bleed, people will cease to believe in Him. There will […]

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The strange persistence of guilt

In 1981, philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre opened his book “After Virtue” with a passage that is now famous. Imagine if we lost the theoretical coherence of science. Imagine if we still used scientific words like neutrino and atomic weight, but had no overall framework to explain how they fit together. That’s the state of our moral […]

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