
Raise cigarette tax $1.50 per pack

Indiana is consistently ranked near the bottom of the 50 states for health, a statistic made worse because too many Hoosiers smoke. The Institute of Medicine says the most reliable method to reduce tobacco use is to increase the price of tobacco products, thus encouraging cessation and reducing the number of kids who start smoking. […]

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Make efficiency priority in expanding bus fleet

I have carefully watched buses passing me many years and have never seen more than five passengers. These zero to five passengers are in a monster vehicle, some doubles, that must be completely fuel-inefficient and costly to operate. I hope that the expansion of the fleet will be studied carefully for efficiency when spending our tax dollars [Transit […]

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Airport needs to keep all moving walkways

In the proposed upgrades to the airport [ Feb. 25], PLEASE don’t remove any of the moving walkways to make room for changes. Anywhere people need to go in the airport is a long walk and those that can’t walk fast or very well really need the moving walkways! We don’t need a motorized cart, […]

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MEREDITH: Bill would help kids experiencing trauma

Young children exposed to five or more significant adverse experiences—like physical abuse, crime, hunger and bullying—in the first three years of childhood face a 76 percent likelihood of having one or more delays in their language, emotional or brain development.

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She’s 17 and needs birth control. What now?

She is 17 years old, has an alarming itch “down there” and has come to the family planning clinic because she doesn’t know where else to go. Sara Hayes, a nurse practitioner, breezes into the examining room and soothes the teenager. Hayes takes a swab and quickly diagnoses a mild yeast infection—perhaps from scented tampons—while […]

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Chuck Schumer’s fake news about the GOP and Trump

Appearing recently on ABC’s “The View,” Sen. Chuck Schumer painted a picture of Republicans unhappy with their new president and getting ready to bolt for the door. “When you talk to Republicans quietly—you know—in the cloak room and the gym—they are having real problems with him. … My prediction is if he keeps on this […]

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Flap over Russian contact casts cloud over Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump’s team spent so much time with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, you’d think he was dating Tiffany. Really, they couldn’t get enough of this guy. It was Kislyak who Michael Flynn, our come-and-gone national security adviser, was chatting with in those phone calls Flynn fibbed about. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, met with Kislyak at […]

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