
EDITORIAL: Hudnut’s legacy: vision and risk

Hudnut was more than the city’s cheerleader-in-chief in his 16 years on the 25th floor of the City-County Building. He was a visionary who saw great promise in a city whose best years could easily have been behind it.

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Trump criticism discredits his many supporters

If I am reading Mary Dieter’s column correctly, because of the deplorables voting for the candidate that was not her candidate, she finds it necessary to pull the “woe is me, I am a woman and that is why I cannot get ahead” act [DIETER: Trump win devalues women, minorities and America, Nov. 21]. Her column […]

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ELSENER: Marian tries new tack in teacher prep

Any drive to improve our nation’s schools and education system begins with understanding why people enter collegiate schools of education, why they want to dedicate their lives to be teachers and leaders, and why, in too many cases, teachers decide to leave their profession.

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GIGERICH: Indiana’s talent development conundrum

It is vitally important for public-policy leaders in Indiana to redouble their efforts to support the development of top talent. The state cannot continue to rank in the bottom 20 percent when it comes to educational attainment and industry-recognized credentials.

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EDITORIAL: Tackling addiction, mental illness

They are sobering statistics: 85 percent of about 2,500 inmates in Marion County’s jails have substance abuse problems and up to 40 percent are classified as mentally ill. More than 700 prescriptions are distributed to mentally ill inmates every day—that’s right, every day—at a cost of $650,000 per year. And the county spends more than […]

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