
THOMPSON: Indy upping wages through collaboration

Average wages for Hoosiers have increased 25 percent since 2005, growing from $35,400 to $44,116. Meanwhile, personal income in Indiana had the 11th-fastest rate of growth between the first two quarters of this year.

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Feds shouldn’t shutter schools sans due process

I want to commend congressman [Todd] Rokita for speaking up and shedding further light on the continuing efforts of the Obama administration to cripple the for-profit sector [Rokita: Feds to blame for ITT collapse, Oct. 10]. The next target is the Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools. What better way to attack the entire sector […]

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Don’t block food, retail at Ikea site in Fishers

You finally get an Ikea and the first thing Fishers wants to do is cry about the progress that having an Ikea brings [Fishers won’t let Ikea fuel retail blitz, Oct. 31]. Ikea should just cancel plans and leave so you can have that precious land for office space. I am a relatively frequent visitor […]

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HOGSETT: Indy must prepare for higher-skill jobs

Georgetown University projects that, by 2020, 62 percent of Indiana jobs will require some form of post-secondary education. Unfortunately, today, only a little over 40 percent of our residents have that level of education. Unaddressed, misalignment will lead to growing income inequality and stagnate our economic growth.

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KENNEDY: The elephant in the courtroom

Since Obama was elected, the Senate GOP has stubbornly resisted acting on the majority of Obama’s judicial nominees. According to the Federal Bar Association, vacancies in the district courts, where most federal judicial work gets done, are reaching crisis proportions: 65 seats on the district court bench and at least 90 vacancies throughout the Article III courts. That’s more than 10 percent of the federal judiciary.

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