
Sewer increases inevitable

As with nearly all issues pertaining to building and maintaining a civilized society, the question is one of “pay now” or “pay later.” We don’t get to “not pay.”

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Mayors can help improve talent pipeline

The problem is that too few students who enroll in postsecondary programs complete them, and too many graduate with skills that don’t mesh with the needs of employers. The result is high unemployment and underemployment among recent college graduates.

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Wanted: champions of technology policy

David Ford, the late senator from Hartford City, was a technology trailblazer at the Statehouse. Among his many accomplishments was passionately leading an agenda in the early 2000s that emphasized policies to help technology companies grow and succeed. Today, our state needs legislators to follow in Ford’s footsteps. According to the Indiana Economic Development Corp., […]

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Enough with drive-by economic hubris

A recent report from the Ball State Center for Business and Economic Research on “footloose” companies and the apparent urgent need to focus on the economic development issue de jour—quality of place—was definitely over the top. There’s nothing wrong with focusing on quality of place as a solution for certain situations. But to characterize a […]

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