
The Supreme Court’s affirmative action fraud goes on

Last month the Supreme Court of the United States voted that President Obama exceeded his authority when he granted exemptions from the immigration laws passed by Congress. But the court also exceeded its authority by granting the University of Texas an exemption from the Constitution’s requirement of “equal protection of the laws,” by voting that […]

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The utter inconsequence of Hillary’s veep

I doubt that Hillary Clinton really wants to run with Elizabeth Warren—I doubt that she fully trusts her—but if that’s her calculated decision: mazel tov. They sure were fiery together last week, two blue devils raring to bedevil Donald Trump. Tim Kaine is totally sensible, mostly safe and a bit of a snooze: the aspirin […]

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The coming political realignment

Donald Trump has done something politically smart and substantively revolutionary. He is a Republican presidential candidate running against free trade and, effectively, free markets. By putting trade at the top of the conversation Trump elevates the issue on which Hillary Clinton is the most squirrelly, where her position reinforces the message that she will say […]

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Tax dodging on the high seas

Let’s criticize cruise ships. I know, I know. Things are bad enough without going negative about your summer vacation. But we’ve got some problems here. Plus, I promise there will be a penguin. The cruise industry seems to be exploding—the newest generation of ships can carry more than 5,000 passengers. They make a great deal […]

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BOEHM: Past elections show third parties can tilt outcome

Who knows whether the third parties will draw more from Clinton than from Trump, but the most recent polls show Clinton’s high single-digit lead over Trump in a two person race falls to a virtual tie if Libertarian and Green candidates are in the race.

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IRELAND: British firebrand Nigel Farage shows third parties matter

Farage has drawn recent comparisons to prominent American Republicans such as presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. But stronger parallels can be drawn to Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin or perhaps libertarian-lite Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

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DIETER: ‘Pro-life’ GOP cares little for the lives of innocents

Republicans cynically added provisions to the appropriations bill to relax regulations on pesticides; increase the legal maximum hours that drivers of big-rig trucks can spend on the road; and, most astounding and ironic, cut government funding of birth control services offered by Planned Parenthood.

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