
IRELAND: British firebrand Nigel Farage shows third parties matter

Farage has drawn recent comparisons to prominent American Republicans such as presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. But stronger parallels can be drawn to Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin or perhaps libertarian-lite Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

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DIETER: ‘Pro-life’ GOP cares little for the lives of innocents

Republicans cynically added provisions to the appropriations bill to relax regulations on pesticides; increase the legal maximum hours that drivers of big-rig trucks can spend on the road; and, most astounding and ironic, cut government funding of birth control services offered by Planned Parenthood.

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KENNEDY: Questions for Mike Pence

The governor thus “doubled-down” on his previous endorsement of Donald Trump, raising a number of questions about the extent to which he also endorses the various positions Trump has taken and the many controversial statements he has made.

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