
KENNEDY: Questions for Mike Pence

The governor thus “doubled-down” on his previous endorsement of Donald Trump, raising a number of questions about the extent to which he also endorses the various positions Trump has taken and the many controversial statements he has made.

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Law creates monopoly

The law meant to regulate the vaping industry is far more dangerous than the e-liquids from which the state claims to “protect” us.

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Duped by Harmony

I am one of those unfortunate homeowners whose decision to move to Harmony in Westfield was predicated on what I was told were the plans for the subdivision and the area to the south [Shifting plans sow dis-Harmony in Westfield ’hood, June 13]. All anyone has to do is drive to 146th and Ditch to […]

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ROBERTSON: Please, own your words

if you have to double-check to see if the words or views you express have hurt someone, you probably know deep down that what you’re saying isn’t very nice.

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EDITORIAL: Absurd vaping law needs do-over

Pence should find a way to postpone the law’s implementation and the General Assembly should rewrite the legislation to ensure it’s fair to all—consumers and business owners alike.

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