
Greg Ballard mayors quote

BALLARD: Cities thrive when mayors share ideas

Indianapolis mayors generally pass the torch well from one administration to the next. And one piece of advice consistently gets passed down from one mayor to another: Take the U.S. Conference of Mayors seriously.

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HOOSIER BEACONS: Red Skelton, comedian and painter

Skelton was a master of pantomime and physical comedy, and his many lovable characters included Clem Kadiddlehopper, a country bumpkin; Freddie the Freeloader, a hobo who struggled to avoid arrest for vagrancy; and Gertrude and Heathcliff, two cross-eyed seagulls.

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Nightingale: State erred in report about problems

On behalf of Nightingale Home Healthcare Inc. and its employees, I want to set the record straight. Since I was unable to respond earlier because of court proceedings, I’m submitting this to help provide facts that dispute what was reported and then publicized.

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ROKITA: Nutrition aid needs common-sense reforms

Under current school nutrition rules, schools can be reimbursed by taxpayers for offering meal assistance to every student even if a mere 40 percent are eligible. By increasing that requirement to 60 percent, we make sure that a majority of students qualify for the taxpayer-subsidized meal before taxpayers pay for all students to receive them.

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KENNEDY: An election year like few others

This November, Indiana will either re-elect Gov. Mike Pence or replace him with Democrat John Gregg. If The Donald’s candidacy is causing heartburn for many long-term Republicans, the prospect of four more years of Pence is experienced as equally unnerving.

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