
ROOB: Third Bush never had shot among frustrated GOP voters

Both George H.W. and George W. left office unpopular and in bad economic times. The mainstream media had done its work well, pinning the economic and geopolitical situations at the time of their departures to the lapels of Jeb’s brother and his father before him.

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YOUNG: Congress needs up-or-down vote on all federal rules

Responsible U.S. companies are being forced to either sacrifice market share to global competitors or move production overseas. To reverse course, we must comprehensively reform the way the federal government taxes and regulates the American economy.

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STUTZMAN: Tax, regulatory changes will bring firms back to U.S.

No economy can thrive under a system that discourages success, double-taxes earnings, and requires teams of professionals for compliance. By replacing our tax code with simple pro-growth reforms and transitioning to a territorial tax system, we can stop companies from moving overseas.

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EDITORIAL: City can solve parking crunch

There’s an opportunity to address the parking deficiency in the Mass Ave corridor with the development of the 11-acre Indianapolis Public Schools site now up for grabs between the 800 block of Mass Ave and East 10th Street.

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BRADY: Don’t ditch rigor with new test

The 23-member panel reviewing new testing options has two potential paths. Members can focus on implementing assessments that offer teachers actionable feedback on student preparedness. Or they can focus on what’s likely to quell anti-testing fervor—whether changing the test’s format, attempting to lower its stakes, or easing its rigor.

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