
Sunday alcohol sales are long overdue

Mitch Roob's comments were accurate, based on logic, common sense, sound economic and free market principles and reflective of the desire of an overwhelming majority of Hoosiers—all factors that have been barred from the annual debate in the Statehouse.

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Democrats don’t have corner on compassion

I would only note that it is very telling when the Democrat front-runner for the presidency feels like she has to issue an apology to her supporters for saying nice things about former first lady Nancy Reagan.

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MADDOX: Trump’s better than Dairy Queen

By November, a majority will tire of Trump’s traveling show. To avoid a blowout, The Insulter-in-Chief will have to do more than continue to insult his opponents and make razor-thin policy statements that double as bumper stickers. 

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KENNEDY: Anthem’s algorithm and denial of coverage

According to the very apologetic caseworker, insurers deny approximately 50 percent of requested moves to acute rehab. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern for these refusals, which are issued without seeing the patients or consulting with their doctors. 

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