
MEREDITH: To address shortage, understand why teachers teach

Educators choose to stay in the classroom when their desire to make an impact on the next generation overcomes a desire for significant salary advancement, when collaboration is embedded in the culture of the profession, when support from administrators guides smart classroom decisions.

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DANIELS: Attractive communities will attract talent, jobs

Young, talented people are looking for quality of life, and will choose a community with a rich lifestyle over a good job elsewhere. Indiana has seen stagnating population growth at least in part as a result of our failure to keep up with this trend.

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Don’t forget the ‘T’ in LGBT

If Pence falls into the trap of thinking SB100 adequately addresses LGBT protections, then Indiana businesses should expect the same nationwide response we received to RFRA.

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Time to shut off Dan Carpenter’s drivel

I found his comments about two people he saw in a Broad Ripple restaurant that he designated as “Tea Party voters” that he described as “two fleshy white guys with their ball caps and baggy shorts and piled plates at the next table … open-carry warriors and pure haters of all things Obama and ‘foreign’” as offensive! 

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