
HOGSETT: Let’s not let partisanship poison Indy

Political operatives have become skilled at discerning what voters want, but this has caused our elected representatives to forget that our system sometimes requires they do more than merely mirror the most vocal of their electorate and conduct themselves accordingly.

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KIM: Woes at investment firm highlight need for liquidity

The SEC has been concerned about exactly this scenario caused by the mismatch between a fund offering its shareholders daily access to their money while a significant proportion of its assets are illiquid (i.e. cannot be sold quickly without affecting price).

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WEIDENBENER: Lawmaker’s bill aims to eradicate food deserts

Sen. Randy Head, R-Logansport, has modeled his legislation after a program in Pennsylvania that, over a decade, funded 93 projects that are providing more than 400,000 people with access to healthier food. However, Pennsylvania committed $30 million to the project and private investors offered another $145 million. The Indiana proposal would only earmark $1 million to the effort.

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