
Why suspicion runs rampant

When citizens do not believe they can trust their government and other social institutions, they become suspicious of one another.

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Tough decisions pay off for ISO

On Dec. 7, the ISO reported its third straight budget surplus, thanks to a rise in ticket sales and steady fundraising. All parties involved—from the ISO’s new management team to the musicians, who took steep pay cuts in the interest of securing the organization’s long-term future—deserve kudos for how far they’ve come.

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DANIELS:Pass a pay increase but put off the implementation

It’s really not surprising that the City-County Council, in an 11th-hour, post-election/pre-inauguration move, is seeking to increase the salary of council members. An accompanying proposal to raise the mayor’s pay unfortunately has been withdrawn.

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SOWELL: Battling back against surging campus intolerance

Storm-trooper tactics by bands of college students making ideological demands across the country, and immediate pre-emptive surrender by college administrators—such as at the University of Missouri recently—bring back memories of the 1960s, for those of us old enough to remember what it was like being there, and seeing firsthand how painful events unfolded. At Harvard, […]

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BARLOW: The real motive of the gun-control intelligentsia

Agendas are a tricky thing. On the one hand, it’s easy to assume that someone’s agenda motivates his or her actions and that this is inherently sinister. But even after spending over a decade in politics, I still think most people are good and want the best for their neighbor, their community, and themselves.

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DOWD: A liberal’s GOP brother rates the 2016 candidates

With the intense interest in the thrill-a-minute, through-the-looking-glass 2016 race, fueled by anger at maladjusted Washington and anxiety after the Paris attacks, I decided to let my Republican brother offer his red-state soliloquy, hoping. He-e-e-ere’s Kevin:

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SHEPARD: Latest Lilly Endowment gusher furthers state impact

During a season when we often pause to express gratitude, Indiana can give special thanks for Lilly Endowment’s recent commitment of $100 million to 14 cultural institutions. The endowment’s action will enrich our civic life. And if you haven’t thought about its economic impact, think again.

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